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Shift from wanting to be valued to being valuable

While I was vacationing in northern Utah by Bear Lake, I came across a book by Ester Rasband entitled, “confronting the myth of self-esteem.”  There were several principles that truly touched me as I read the book, but the one that stayed with me the very most, and has been invaluable to others, is the brilliant psychology of shifting your mindset from wanting to be valued by others, to being valuable to others.  Individuals who live by the “I want/need to be valued by others” mantra, increase their risk for emotional instability, a constant worry about what others are thinking and feeling about them, a feeling of lack of control over their lives and emotions, a dependency on others to feel good about themselves and their life, and a tendency to personalize other people’s mistakes by turning them into whether they care of don’t care about them.   In a way their mantra is, “if you do this, feel this, think this, then that means you care and that i’m valuable, if you don’t, it means you don’t care, and that i’m not worth caring about.”  This roller coaster like existence, of when others value me, i’m valuable and worthwhile is an incorrect and corrupt psychology, that at some point that individual has adopted.  This obsession about what others are thinking and feeling will invariably lead to an extreme focus on external circumstances, and a lack of awareness and insight on what is happening internally.  This often causes the individual to be critical of others, to blame others for their own emotional state and circumstances, to pressure the people...

Introducing my new website

Welcome, I’m happy that you are here!  This blog was really born as a repeated request from clients who wished to have increased accessibility to the life changing content that was presented to them during therapy.  Even though the material was originated during personal moments and discussions, it is generally applicable to all, and foundational to your happiness. Life is so dear, and so absolutely puzzling at times.  You are constantly flooded by the beauty, and ugliness that resides within and without; by great moments and great loss; by the stories that bring you a rejuvenating joy, and those that sink you to despair and fear.  I believe that you must be in possession of an extraordinary psychology; you must subscribe to a beautiful and accurate life philosophy, in order to meaningfully, and joyfully triumph over the looming uncertainties of life.  That is the quest behind these articles.  They are to raise you!  To help you be in the world, and yet not of it.  To transcend the mundane, and commune with the divine within you, and outside of you.  To help you discover those acts of self-betrayal that provoke your pain and frustration, while increasing your capacity to consciously act with loyalty and honour. I’m forever an optimist… I believe that that is realistic!  I believe that you have the ability to become more dynamic, more peaceful, and joyful within the circumstances that you are passing through.  This new understanding is more often than not, part of a cluster of realizations.  A constellation of ideas and learnings that will fundamentally change your relationship with yourself, your life, and...